Badge with silver phoenix representing strategic level of The PhoeniX Way

Silver Level - Build Your Life Strategy

Build strategy and make progress towards achievement in 1 area of your life in 30 days

Picture of the curriculum of the phoenix silver level of training focused on building your life strategy

Build Your Life Strategy!

Build strategy and make progress towards achievement in 1 area of your life in 30 days

You will get the lifetime access to strategic level training.


  • Position Assessment: Learn more about yourself and customize the plan to your unique situation.
  • Strategic Planning: Define your dream state and 5 year vision for chosen area(s) of your life and create a clear timeline to get there. 
  • Execution: Translate your vision into the operational detailed plan and learn advanced continuous improvement techniques.
  • Discipline: Deepen power of resilience and discipline you learned in bronze training. Unlock the level of energy you did not experience in a while!
  • Bonus Case Studies: See how it all works in practice and answers to most common challenges
  • Get access to peer group where you'll get continuous support!

PhoeniX Silver - Build Your Strategy

$250.00 USD